WHAT IS NETWORK SPINAL ANALYSIS? NSA is a systematic, light-touch approach to the healing and well-being of an individual by working with the nervous system. In effect, it is a means of coaching the nervous system: a) to become aware of areas of stored tension (bound by energy) in the body, and to develop strategies to dissipate the tension itself. b) to enable the nervous system and the body to become more flexible and therefore more resilient in order to respond efficiently to new physical, chemical mental and/or emotional stresses (as opposed to reacting to them in old tension patterns). Not only is the efficiency of the nervous system increased, so then is the functioning of the body. With these changes, we see a person's experience of life become richer and fuller. HOW DOES IT WORK? Our bodies accumulate tension from many of the stresses we have experienced from birth until now. If there is tension in our system, we perceive our world with similar tension (e.g. "road rage"). These tension patterns that are held in your muscles, bones, joints and the nervous system, as well as your posture will be assessed. A specific, gentle touch is applied to specific points on the body, dependent on where it is able to receive it, and on the patterns found. As a result, the brain's attention is drawn to an areas of tension in the body. As a result,strategies develop within the body in order to release/move the tension, which releases the once-bound energy as free energy back into the body, where it is needed. This may be through body movement, through breath, or through emoting. WHY THE NERVOUS SYSTEM? The nervous system is composed of the brain, spinal cord, nerves and the meninges. This system is like an electrical wiring system of the body, which allows the brain to communicate and direct all body functions and responses to the stressors in the system. An accumulation, or stress "overload" results in a disruption of these signals which leads to a decrease in the efficiency of these bodily functions and responses. Ultimately, this will disrupt life enjoyment. WHAT WILL I FEEL? You may notice areas of tension or ease in your body, breath change, tingling, warmth, a movement of a part of your body, or you may notice nothing. Each person's experience is different because individual tension patterns (as well as our individual histories) are unique. Each visit is also a unique experience. WHAT MIGHT I NOTICE WITH TIME? You may notice an increase of ease in your breath, ease of movement, postural/structural changes, improved sleep, increased energy, fewer illnesses, improved responses to stress, less physical pain or discomfort, and improved life enjoyment. You will begin to make healthier choices based on your own needs, rather than on the "should" we often place on ourselves. WHO QUALIFIES FOR THIS TYPE OF CARE? Anyone! Some people seek pain relief, others seek help in maximizing their health, and others want to optimize quality of life. We do not "fix" or "cure" conditions or illnesses. We DO acknowledge the person's present state and his or her experience of it. As the body works toward ease and the old tension patterns reduce, the person's awareness of his or her body signals (areas of ease, movements) increases. We assist the individual in healing by coaching the nervous system to not only drop old tension patterns, but also enhance nervous system flexibility and adaptability to the stressors that we continually face. This allows for personal growth and an enhanced vitality. |
Dr. Maureen Neskar, Chiropractor. 238 Mutual Street, Toronto 647 435 5930